Double Headed Quarter Error Found 1932 Quarter

I have what I believe to be a 1932 Double Headed Quarter although Im not sure how this was created, and cant find many or any others double quarters for the year? Coin feels lighter than other 1930 ish quarters so is this an error or a joke or something?

Posted by Anonymous on 3:50 PM March 8, 2025

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Admin 3:57 PM March 8, 2025
Thanks for posting if the coin is double sided and feels light its most likely a novelty or trick quarter that could be used in something like magic or even be used to run a scam of sorts. Just google double heads novelty coin or double heads magic trick coin. Weigh the coin, its from 1932 so its 90% silver. If the thing weight 6.25 grams then its the real deal and could be worth hundreds of dollars or more. If it weighs less its a Magicians coin or something along those lines. Also the quality of the coin does it look cheaply made? Do the ridges feel correct?
Admin 4:16 PM March 8, 2025
They are selling for $5.75 on ebay plus shipping likely. However they have a date of 1971 so I'm not sure. see image attached
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Admin 5:25 PM March 8, 2025
Looks like they even have double sided tails, so if you were a magician and person called heads, you would through slight of hand toss the double sided tails coin. Good way to win 100% of the time lol

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