Peace Dollar

Peace Dollar

The Peace Dollar was minted from 1921-1928 and then again from 1934-1935. With .77 ounces of pure silver it's current melt value* is $25.9 This coin is not to be used at face value :)

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The front of this coin is graced with the head of Lady Liberty, and the reverse contains and image of a majestic bald eagle. The artwork / design was that of Antonio de Francisci an Italian immigrant born back in 1887.

Spelling errors? These coins all have the words "in god we trvst", but it's not a spelling error it's actually the Latin spelling for the word. So it means "In God We Trust". This coin was minted in Philadelphia (no mint mark), Denver (D), and San Francisco (S).

If you are a fan of batman and have read the comics or seen the movie this is the coin flipped by the villain Two-Face.

Peace Dollar Values

Image Year Mint Type
Peace Dollar1935SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1935Peace Dollar
Peace Dollar1934SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1934DPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1934Peace Dollar
Peace Dollar1928SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1928Peace Dollar
Peace Dollar1927SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1927DPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1927Peace Dollar
Image Year Mint Type

Scroll for More Peace Dollars

Image Year Mint Type
Peace Dollar1926SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1926DPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1926Peace Dollar
Peace Dollar1925SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1925Peace Dollar
Peace Dollar1924SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1924Peace Dollar
Peace Dollar1923SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1923DPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1923Peace Dollar
Image Year Mint Type

Scroll for More Peace Dollars

Image Year Mint Type
Peace Dollar1922SPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1922DPeace Dollar
Peace Dollar1922Peace Dollar
Peace Dollar1921Peace Dollar
Image Year Mint Type

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