The Barber Quarter also known as the Liberty Head quarter (because it contains the head of lady liberty), was part of the Barber coin series that ran from 1892 to 1916 and was used in Dimes, Quarters, and Half Dollars.
They are called Barber Quarters because the engraving or image was created by the United States Chief Engraver at the time...Charles E. Barber. Makes sense right?
We personally enjoy collecting the Barber coinage as they are fairly rare, and most members of the general public has never seen one. They are pretty rare.
Current silver melt value* for a pre 1965 coin (90% Silver) is $5.81 and this price is based off the current silver spot price of $32.16 This value is dynamic so bookmark it and comeback for an up to the minute silver melt value. These coins were eventually replaced by the Standing Liberty Quarters in 1916/1917.
These coins were minted at the Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Denver Mint.
Current silver melt value* for a pre 1965 coin (90% Silver) is $5.81 and this price is based off the current silver spot price of $32.16 This value is dynamic so bookmark it and comeback for an up to the minute silver melt value.