2011 Proof Gettysburg Quarter

Last updated: June, 14 2023

CoinTrackers.com estimates the value of a 2011 S Gettysburg Quarter Proof in average condition to be worth $1, while one in mint state could be valued around $5.00.

2011 Proof Gettysburg Quarter
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Notes: Details for the 2011 Gettysburg S Proof (non silver) coin. There are many variations of this specific issuance so careful when buying or selling. Be sure to inform yourself. These coins were issued at the Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco mints. Those issued at the San Francisco mint come in both Silver and Non silver varieties.

How much is a 2011 Proof Gettysburg Quarter worth?

In Average Circulated (AC) condition it's worth around $1, one in certified mint state (MS+) condition could bring as much as $5 at auction. This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale. So when we say Average Circulated, we mean in a similar condition to other coins circulated in 2011, and mint state meaning it is certified MS+ by one of the top coin grading companies. *** [?].

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Specs & Design

This coin has a total mass of 11.92 g, a diameter of 24.26 mm, and a thickness of 1.75 mm. It's edge is 119 reeds, and the coins are composed of 90% Silver Proof, 99% 5oz Bullion, 91% Copper regular issues..

Designer: John Flanagan, Phebe Hemphill & Joel Iskowitz

Front (Obverse): The front of this coin contains the words United States of America, Liberty, In God We Trust, and Quarter Dollar inscribed along with the same George Washington bust found on all modern Quarters. All versions have a Mint Mark or either P, D, or S under the word Trust.

Back (Reverse): The reverse has the words Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, an E Pluribus Unum (out of many one) along with the date of issuance 2011. The Gettysburg National Military Park has the Gettysburg Monument on the reverse. Click the image below to see full resolution. Reverse Coin 2011 Quarter Gettysburg

Most Valuable

The most valuable Gettysburg Quarter's. Prices listed are for MS-65 certified. Visit the link to learn more about each coin.

Image Year Mint Worth
Gettysburg Quarter 2011 P $300
Gettysburg Quarter 2011 S $25
Gettysburg Quarter 2011 S $5
Gettysburg Quarter 2011 P $2.50
Gettysburg Quarter 2011 D $2.50
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1989 P $345.22
1989 $345,000
1989 D $345
Image Name Mint Worth

Want more? Click here to see the most valuable coins ever minted.

***Price subject to standard supply and demand laws, dealer premiums, and other market variations. Prices represent past values fetched at online auctions, estate sales, certified coins being sold by dealers, and user submitted values. While we wholeheartedly try to give honest price estimates there are many factors besides appearance, metal content, and rarity that help make up the coins overall value. Call or visit your local coin dealer for more information.
