Junk Silver Bag Prices Today

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Bag of 90% Silver Coins

The prices for the junk silver (90%) bags below reflect the average quantity of silver in ounces formulated with the silver spot price for today (updated every 10 minutes so prices are always current).

We don't sell bags of silver but have suggested a few of the major companies at the very bottom of this utility. By not directly selling metals ourselves you can be assured that we are unbiased and we'll just give you the prices as is.

Prices updated to better represent premiums dealers are putting on 90% silver coin bags in today's economy. Premiums have gone up heavily due to the current demand.

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$1000 Face Value 90%

Prices near $30,956 for 90% bags of coins.

$1000 Face Value

A bag containing $1,000 face value coins if sold at spot would be priced at $22,930 assuming that the bag contained around 715 oz. silver, and you were purchasing the bag at the current silver spot price of $32.07.

Now realistically you are always going to pay a premium on minted coins, so assuming it was about 20% more then it would cost you somewhere near $30,956, and that is a bit more realistic.

Jump to: $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or try Silver Coin Calculator, or Silver Prices

$500 Face Value 90%

Prices near $15,478 for 90% bags of coins.

$1000 Face Value

A bag of containing $500 face value coins if sold at spot would be priced at $11,465 assuming that the bag contained around 357.5 oz. silver, and you were purchasing the bag at the current silver spot price of $32.07.

Now realistically you are always going to pay a premium on minted coins, so assuming it was about 20% more then it would cost you somewhere near $15,478, and that is a bit more realistic.

Jump to: $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or try Silver Coin Calculator, or Silver Prices

$250 Face Value 90%

Prices near $7,739 for 90% bags of coins.

$250 Face Value

A bag of containing $250 face value coins if sold at spot would be priced at $5,733 assuming that the bag contained around 178.75 oz. silver, and you were purchasing the bag at the current silver spot price of $32.07.

Now realistically you are always going to pay a premium on minted coins, so assuming it was about 20% more then it would cost you somewhere near $7,739, and that is a bit more realistic.

Jump to: $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or try Silver Coin Calculator, or Silver Prices

$100 Face Value 90%

Prices near $3,096 for 90% bags of coins.

$100 Face Value

A bag of containing $100 face value coins if sold at spot would be priced at $2,293 assuming that the bag contained around 71.5 oz. silver, and you were purchasing the bag at the current silver spot price of $32.07.

Now realistically you are always going to pay a premium on minted coins, so assuming it was about 20% more then it would cost you somewhere near $3,096, and that is a bit more realistic.

Jump to: $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or try Silver Coin Calculator, or Silver Prices

$50 Face Value 90%

Prices near $1,548 for 90% bags of coins.

$50 Face Value

A bag of containing $50 face value coins if sold at spot would be priced at $1,147 assuming that the bag contained around 35.75 oz. silver, and you were purchasing the bag at the current silver spot price of $32.07.

Now realistically you are always going to pay a premium on minted coins, so assuming it was about 20% more then it would cost you somewhere near $1,548, and that is a bit more realistic.

Jump to: $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or try Silver Coin Calculator, or Silver Prices

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Places to Buy

We don't care who you use, but these people sell bags of silver.

Skip the Premiums

Don't like paying a 3% premium?

If you want the most bang for your buck then skip the junk silver bags and buy the largest bars you can afford. Large 100 oz bars are less than $1 dollar over spot. Buy 1000 oz bars and pay just a few pennies over spot.

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Jump to: $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or try Silver Coin Calculator, or Silver Prices