Silver Prices

This page lists silver prices (live) showing prices per troy ounce, per sterling ounce, and 90% Coin Silver (also known as Junk Silver).

Silver Troy Oz Price ($32.40)Price up

Silver Bar

The troy ounce is the standard silver price that you see on the t.v. 1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams or 1.09714 U.S. Ounces. It is usually just referred to as an oz.

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Sterling Silver g Price ($0.96)Price up

Sterling Goblet

Sterling silver is 92.5% pure silver so the oz price is the current silver * 92.5%. For more detail on sterling silver prices click here, we have set up a nice app that shows more detail.

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90% Coin Silver Price $1 Face Value ($23.44)Price up

90% Coin Silver Price

This is the price per face value $1 in coin silver. So 10 pre 1965 dimes, 4 pre 1965 quarters, or 2 pre 1965 half dollars are worth $23.44. If you want to see the prices for junk silver bags ranging from $50 bags to $1000 face value click here for full details.

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95.84% Britannia 1 Silver Oz Price($31.05)Price up

Britannia Silver

This is the price per 1 Silver Oz of Britannia. Britannia silver is a higher grade of silver than sterling, but less pure than the .999 coins and bullion. It contains 95.84% pure silver.

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.02%-.04% Industrial Silver 1 Oz ($0.65 to $1.3)Price up

Industrial Silver

Silver used for industrial purposes usually contains 2-4%, but can contain more. The figures above are for 2-4% purity industrial silver like that found in silver solder.

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.70%-.90% Misc Silver Alloys 1 Oz ($22.68 to $29.16)Price up

Industrial Silver

There are dozens of alloys that are made with high levels of silver but that contain less than sterling. The prices above are for silver alloys that contain between 70% and 90% silver.

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Configure Settings

Configure Silver Data

This app is customizable. You can change the default page refresh times from 15 minute all the way to just once every 24hrs. You can have the page play a sound every time it refreshes, and that sound reverses when the price drops so it then becomes an audio notification tool. Cool right?

Sound [?]: none shine glockenspiel guitar superman

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About the Sounds

If you choose to be notified by sound the sound will play reversed (backwards) when there is a silver market loss (compared to previous day), and forwards when there is a silver market gain (compared to previous day).

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About the Project

Hello my name is Mike Koenig and I'm a silver junkie and a programmer, that's why I created this project. I thought it would be great to create a simple hands off system that would keep people like me and you updated on the silver market.

Silver Spot Price Chart

30 day summary

Display on your website!

Copy and paste code to display on your site.

We suggest you keep this tool open in a new tab that you are not using 24/7. If you want to be updated just once a day then choose 24 hours, just once an hour then choose 1 hour.

Make sure you choose a sound! This is important by choosing a sound you can be alerted to the markets movements without having to use your eyes, and hands. If the market moved up then the sound you chose will play normal, if the market retreated the sound will be played backwards to signify a market reversal. :)

We thought it would be cute to include a sound clip from our son Noah, if you choose the "Superman" sound then that's him talking saying he's superman, and super strong, o and he has muscles. lol. Enjoy everyone, please spread the word.

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