Standing Liberty Quarters

Standing Liberty Quarter

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The Standing Liberty Quarter Dollars were fairly popular, but only issued between 1916 and 1930. These excelent coins were minted in 90% silver and the current melt value is $6.07, this number is based off current spot price and silver content. The melt value of $6.07 is updated every 15 minutes (when the markets are open Mon-Fri).

The Liberty quarters were designed by Hermon A. MacNeil in 1916 and then redesigned in 1917 with a few cosmetic changes. The Bald Eagle is on the reverse and there are NO stars under the eagle during 1916 and part of 1917. When the coin was redesigned the eagle was moved up slightly and 3 stars were placed below it.

These coins were minted at the Philadelphia, Denver, and the San Francisco mint. Some proofs were issued as well.

Finding one of these in BU or similar condition is a tuff thing to do, unless you are willing to she'll out some decent money.

Current silver melt value* for a pre 1965 coin (90% Silver) is $6.07 and this price is based off the current silver spot price of $33.55 This value is dynamic so bookmark it and comeback for an up to the minute silver melt value.

Standing Liberty Quarter Values

Image Year Mint Type
Standing Liberty Quarter1916Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1917Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1917DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1917SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1918Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1918DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1918SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1919Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1919DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1919SStanding Liberty Quarter
Image Year Mint Type

Scroll for More Standing Liberty Quarters

Image Year Mint Type
Standing Liberty Quarter1920Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1920DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1920SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1921Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1923Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1923SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1924Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1924DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1924SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1925Standing Liberty Quarter
Image Year Mint Type

Scroll for More Standing Liberty Quarters

Image Year Mint Type
Standing Liberty Quarter1926Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1926DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1926SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1927Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1927DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1927SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1928Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1928DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1928SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1929Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1929DStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1929SStanding Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1930Standing Liberty Quarter
Standing Liberty Quarter1930SStanding Liberty Quarter
Image Year Mint Type

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