1894 Barber Quarter

Last updated: June, 01 2023

CoinTrackers.com estimates the value of a 1894 Barber Quarter in average condition to be worth $10.00, while one in mint state could be valued around $525.00.

1894 Barber Quarter
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  • Year: 1894
  • Mint Mark: No mint mark
  • Type: Barber Quarter
  • Price: $10.00-$525.00+
  • Face Value: 0.25 USD
  • Produced: 3,432,000
  • Edge: Reeded
  • Silver Content: 90%
  • Silver Weight: .1808 oz.
  • Melt Value: $5.56

Notes: 972 proofs issued this year. They are worth between $750 and $850 each in great condition.

How much is a 1894 Barber Quarter worth?

In Average Circulated (AC) condition it's worth around $10.00, one in certified mint state (MS+) condition could bring as much as $525 at auction. This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale. So when we say Average Circulated, we mean in a similar condition to other coins circulated in 1894, and mint state meaning it is certified MS+ by one of the top coin grading companies. *** [?].

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Most Valuable

The most valuable Barber Quarter's. Prices listed are for MS-65 certified. Visit the link to learn more about each coin.

Image Year Mint Worth
Barber Quarter 1901 S $36,212
Barber Quarter 1896 S $16,958
Barber Quarter 1905 O $7k
Barber Quarter 1908 S $6.4k
Barber Quarter 1913 S $4.7k
Barber Quarter 1909 O $2,108
Barber Quarter 1914 $2k
Barber Quarter 1896 O $1,930
Barber Quarter 1916 P $1,901
Barber Quarter 1907 $1.9k
Barber Quarter 1914 D $1.9k
Barber Quarter 1916 D $1.9k
Barber Quarter 1908 $1.8k
Barber Quarter 1915 D $1.7k
Barber Quarter 1897 O $1,678
Barber Quarter 1901 O $1,677
Barber Quarter 1903 O $1.6k
Barber Quarter 1897 S $1,583
Barber Quarter 1900 $1.5k
Barber Quarter 1906 O $1.5k
Barber Quarter 1913 $1.5k
Barber Quarter 1914 S $1.5k
Barber Quarter 1902 O $1,450
Barber Quarter 1913 D $1.4k
Barber Quarter 1904 O $1,350
Barber Quarter 1898 S $1,275
Barber Quarter 1912 $1.2k
Barber Quarter 1899 S $1,162
Barber Quarter 1907 D $1,140
Barber Quarter 1895 S $1,136
Barber Quarter 1892 S $1.1k
Barber Quarter 1902 S $1.1k
Barber Quarter 1893 S $1,013
Barber Quarter 1907 O $1k
Barber Quarter 1910 $1k
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1989 P $345.22
1989 $345,000
1989 D $345
Image Name Mint Worth

Want more? Click here to see the most valuable coins ever minted.

Are 1894 Barber Quarters Silver?

Yes! Barber Quarter's produced in 1894 are 90% silver to be precise, and contain .1808 troy oz or 5.623 grams in total of .999 pure silver. Silver weight is measured in troy ounces. Troy ounces weigh about 2 grams more than the standard ounce. CoinTrackers has built a tool that will let you know if your coin is silver or not. The tool is called Is My Coin Silver?.

Numismatic vs Intrinsic Value:

This coin in poor condition is still worth $4.44 more than the intrinsic value from silver content of $5.56, this coin is thus more valuable to a collector than to a silver bug. Coins worth more to a collectors may be a better long term investment. If the metal prices drop you will still have a coin that a numismatic would want to buy.

Want more info? Then read Coin Collecting Investment an article that details the benefits of coin collecting as a way to build wealth. Also learn how to properly store your coins.

Current silver melt value* for a 1910 Barber Quarter is $5.56 and this price is based off the current silver spot price of $30.73 This value is dynamic so bookmark it and comeback for an up to the minute silver melt value.

***Price subject to standard supply and demand laws, dealer premiums, and other market variations. Prices represent past values fetched at online auctions, estate sales, certified coins being sold by dealers, and user submitted values. While we wholeheartedly try to give honest price estimates there are many factors besides appearance, metal content, and rarity that help make up the coins overall value. Call or visit your local coin dealer for more information.
