So what is the difference between a Troy Ounce, and a standard ounce. This is a very common question, and one that most people have trouble answering without some reference.
Surprisingly there are 2 totally different methods for calculating silver/gold vs the method used to calculate everything else.
The most likely explanation is that Gold, Silver, and even Gun Powder are such universal and important materials, that a standard measurement system is not an option but a requirement. That unfortunately means that the people from the United States are at a small disadvantage, when it comes to properly measuring these things with the standard machines we might use in day to day life.
Basic elementary school math will tell you that 1 Troy ounce contains 2.75 grams more of metal than the standard ounce. So an ounce of Gold would weight 2.7539537 grams more than an ounce of sugar.
Well if you are just buying a few ounces it might not seem like a lot, but if you are buying 10, or 100 ounces then the difference is significant. When you buy a 100 ounce bar and it weighs the same as 100 ounces of sugar you are loosing 8.85 troy ounces of metal. You can see now how this calculation error could be very costly.