1940 D Nickel

Last updated: February, 05 2024

CoinTrackers.com estimates the value of a 1940 D Jefferson Nickel in average condition to be worth 45 cents, while one in mint state could be valued around $90.00.

1940 D Nickel
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  • Year: 1940
  • Mint Mark: D
  • Type: Jefferson Nickel
  • Price: 45 cents-$90.00+
  • Face Value: 0.05 USD
  • Produced: 43,540,000
  • Edge: Smooth

Notes: Full steps on the reverse of the 1940 and many other nickels is the gold standard. There is also a 1939 nickel with a reverse 1940 error. Double strikes including double strike collars. Off center strike errors by as much as 70% off center. There are even 1940 Nickels that were accidentally struck on copper penny planchets.

How much is a 1940 D Nickel worth?

In Average Circulated (AC) condition it's worth around 45 cents, one in certified mint state (MS+) condition could bring as much as $90 at auction. This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale. So when we say Average Circulated, we mean in a similar condition to other coins circulated in 1940, and mint state meaning it is certified MS+ by one of the top coin grading companies. *** [?].

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Specs & Design

This coin has a total mass of 5 g, a diameter of 21.21 mm, and a thickness of 1.95 mm. It's edge is smooth, and the coins are composed of 75% copper and 25% nickel.

Designer: Felix Schlag

Front (Obverse): The front of this coin has the bust of Thomas Jefferson featured front and center. The words IN GOD WE TRUST are on the left most portion, with the word LIBERTY on the right just above the date. If a mint mark is present it will be just below the date.

Back (Reverse): The reverse features the Monticello located in Albemarle County, VA. The Monticello was the long time home of Jefferson. The words E PLUIRIBUS UNUM, meaning out of many one are draped across the top, while the words FIVE CENTS, and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are featured on the bottom.

Most Valuable

The most valuable Jefferson Nickel's. Prices listed are for MS-65 certified. Visit the link to learn more about each coin.

Image Year Mint Worth
Jefferson Nickel 1940 $170
Jefferson Nickel 1955 D $120
Jefferson Nickel 1963 D $102
Jefferson Nickel 1942 D $100
Jefferson Nickel 1940 D $90
Jefferson Nickel 1944 S $85
Jefferson Nickel 1939 S $80
Jefferson Nickel 1955 $80
Jefferson Nickel 1983 S $80
Jefferson Nickel 1938 D $75
Jefferson Nickel 1942 $75
Jefferson Nickel 1944 D $75
Jefferson Nickel 1946 $75
Jefferson Nickel 1947 $75
Jefferson Nickel 1943 D $72
Jefferson Nickel 1942 P $70
Jefferson Nickel 1941 $65
Jefferson Nickel 1943 S $65
Jefferson Nickel 1944 P $65
Jefferson Nickel 1962 D $65
Jefferson Nickel 1939 D $60
Jefferson Nickel 1941 D $60
Jefferson Nickel 1951 D $60
Jefferson Nickel 1941 S $55
Jefferson Nickel 1948 $55
Jefferson Nickel 1949 $54
Jefferson Nickel 1938 S $50
Jefferson Nickel 1939 $50
Jefferson Nickel 1940 S $50
Jefferson Nickel 1942 S $48
Jefferson Nickel 1946 D $45
Jefferson Nickel 1949 D $45
Jefferson Nickel 1961 D $45
Jefferson Nickel 1956 D $43
Jefferson Nickel 1964 $43
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1989 P $345.22
1989 $345,000
1989 D $345
Image Name Mint Worth

Want more? Click here to see the most valuable coins ever minted.

***Price subject to standard supply and demand laws, dealer premiums, and other market variations. Prices represent past values fetched at online auctions, estate sales, certified coins being sold by dealers, and user submitted values. While we wholeheartedly try to give honest price estimates there are many factors besides appearance, metal content, and rarity that help make up the coins overall value. Call or visit your local coin dealer for more information.
